We are proud to have been part of a book republishing effort a few years ago -
Book - Praṇāmarāmāyaṇam
Author - Subrahmanya Śastrigaḻ (1830-1910)
Novelty - Mellifluous summary of each sarga of Vālmīkirāmāyaṇa in 680 verses. Each verse is in अष्टप्रासयुत शार्दूलविक्रीडित meter i.e. 8 alliterations in each shloka. The author makes sure to highlight the most important part of each sarga.
We would have heard of Nārāyaṇīyam which is a condensation of Bhāgavatam, this work is a similar one for Rāmāyaṇa.
Tamil Translation - Srirāmaghanapāṭhī
English Translation - H. Ramachandran
The translators have taken great pains to ensure all nuances of the original are expressed.
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